Understanding your performance

Study visitor numbers, sales, total hours recorded and activities booked. Easily compare how your business is performing against previous years, at the product level and as a whole.

See where you can grow

With insight into your performance, you can also see the space where you can still grow. Get an overview of how many bookings are still in option, how many outstanding invoices there are, how many hours of staff are scheduled and what your procurement costs are.

Sales Statistics

Learn more about how your sales are going with overviews of the number of bookings, average revenue per customer and sales by product (group).

Visitor statistics

Get more information about your visitors and their spending. See how many people visited vs. previous years. How many times a particular package was booked. What the origin of your visitors is.

Operating expenses

Keep insights about operating expenses. Measure how much your total personnel costs have been. See current procurement costs and those from the past.

It starts with a booking

The Recras system is built for all types of recreational businesses. Small and large. Whether you rent out 3 canoes or offer complex packages, with Recras you automate your booking process and the organization around it.